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Terms and conditions


These general conditions of sale (hereinafter, "General Conditions") apply to all sales of products (hereinafter, "Products" or "Product") purchased through the website (hereinafter, " Site ").

The use of the distance selling service described in these General Conditions is reserved exclusively for consumers (hereinafter, "Customers" or the "Customer"), understood as natural persons acting for purposes unrelated to their commercial, business or professionally carried out.

The language available to conclude the contract is Italian.

The Customer is required to carefully read the General Conditions that have been made available to him on the Site, in order to allow them to be stored and reproduced by the Customer pursuant to art. 12 of the Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70.

The contracts concluded with CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE (as defined below) through the Site are governed by Italian law and, in particular, by Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 ("Consumer Code") and by Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70 (hereinafter, "Ecommerce Decree").


1. Identification of the seller

2. Product information

3. Price

4. Order of products

5. Methods of payment

6. Confirmation of receipt of the order

7. Ineffectiveness of the order

8. Transport and delivery

9. Errors

10. Applicable law and competent court

11. Contacts

1. Identification of the seller

The seller is CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE, Registered office: Via San Gregorio, 11 20124 Milan Tax code and VAT number: 11429360966, Rea number: MI-2601783 (hereinafter "CREAZIONI ITALIANE").

The Deposits and Establishments of CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE to which par reference for shipments and any returns are located at the following address: CREAZIONI ITALIANE Via U. Nobile 14 - 84025 Eboli (SA) - ITALY

2. Information relating to the Products

The information relating to the Products owned by CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE that can be sold remotely through the Site are available, with the relative product codes, on the Site.

The aforementioned information is provided in accordance with articles 52 and 53 of the Consumer Code.

3. Price

Product prices are inclusive of all taxes and duties. All prices are expressed in Euros.

4. Order of Products

The essential characteristics and prices of the Products are shown in the offer relating to each Product.

To purchase the Products, the Customer must complete and send the order form in electronic format to CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE, following the instructions contained on the Site. The Customer must place the Product in the appropriate "cart" and, after having read the General Conditions, with particular reference to the contribution for delivery costs and the methods of exercising the right of withdrawal, and the Privacy Policy, must select the payment method (PayPal & Credit Cards, Cash on Delivery or Bank Transfer) and choose the "confirm order" option.

Before submitting your purchase order, the Customer will have the possibility to correct any errors in entering data by following the appropriate modification procedure contained in the Site. In particular, the Customer has the right to change the quantity of the Products he intends to purchase, adding or deleting one or more Products from the "cart".

By sending the order, the Customer acknowledges and declares to have read all the information provided during the purchase procedure and to fully accept the General Conditions.

CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE reserves the right to evaluate the acceptance of orders received. CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE will notify the Customer of any inability to accept orders received within 48 hours starting from the business day following the one on which the Customer sent the order to CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE and will refund the sums. possibly already paid by the Customer for the payment of the supply.

5. Methods of payment

CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE accepts payments made in the following way:

• Immediate payment with PayPal Account or Credit Card at no additional cost

• Cash on delivery with additional costs defined with the courier in charge of collection and declared at the time of purchase

• Bank transfer at no additional cost (shipping will take place once payment has been verified).

6. Confirmation of receipt of the order

In compliance with the provisions of art. 53 of the Consumer Code, the Customer receives, at the time of the execution of the contract, by e-mail, the confirmation of receipt of the purchase order sent by the Customer.

7. Ineffectiveness of the order

No contract must be considered concluded between CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE and the Customer if CREAZIONI ITALIANE has reasonable grounds to believe that the Customer does not operate on the basis of an effective and genuine interest in purchasing the products ordered, or abuses the right of withdrawal.

In such cases, the order sent by the Customer must be considered ineffective. CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE will send to the Customer, by e-mail, a communication certifying the non-conclusion of the Contract, also taking care of the cancellation of any charge and / or expense charged to the Customer.

8. Transport and delivery

The Products purchased on the Site will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer by Express Courier Poste Italiane. In any case, the Customer has the right to request the delivery of the products to a natural person of his choice, whose residence or domicile is within the Italian territory (San Marino and Vatican City included). At the time of delivery, the signature of an adult over 18 years of age will be required. No deliveries will be made to post office boxes.

For each order placed on the Site, CREAZIONI ITALIANE issues a tax receipt / invoice for the goods shipped, inserted in the shipping package, pursuant to Presidential Decree 445/2000 and Legislative Decree 52/2004. For the issuance of the invoice, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. No change in the invoice will be possible after its issue.

Delivery costs are charged to the Customer and are clearly highlighted on the Site and in the order form.

Shipping costs amount to:

• Free for shipments to Italy with payment via PayPal, Credit Cards and Bank Transfer

• 6 € including VAT (the surcharge will be declared at the time of purchase) for shipments with payment by cash on delivery

• 10 € including VAT for foreign shipments with payment via PayPal, Credit Cards and Bank Transfer.

All purchases will be delivered by Poste Italiane courier, with Standard service and without delivery notice, from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and national holidays. CREAZIONI ITALIANE is not responsible for unforeseeable delays.

Shipments take place within 3 working days and deliveries within 24 hours of shipment (orders acquired by 12 noon) throughout Italy and within 48 hours in Calabria and on the Islands except for unforeseen events not attributable to CREAZIONI ITALIANE.

For the delivery of the goods, the presence of the Customer or his representative at the address of the recipient indicated in the order is required. Upon delivery of the goods by the Courier, the Customer is required to check that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document and that the package is intact or not altered. Any damage to the package and / or the Products or the mismatch in the number of packages must be immediately notified by means of a written control reserve on the Courier's proof of delivery. Once the Courier's document has been signed, the Customer will not be able to make any objection about the external characteristics of the package delivered.


In case of return of the package to our headquarters and storage for storage at the courier, Euro 9.00 (nine / 00) will be charged due to the storage costs that the courier charges us.

If for reasons beyond our control you have become unavailable at the time of delivery, you can contact the courier's office in your city and arrange for a subsequent delivery or collection at the courier's office.

CREAZIONI ITALIANE is not economically responsible for packages left in storage at the Courier. The customer who has not been able to agree with the headquarters of his city an agreement for a second delivery, or collection at the headquarters of the Courier, assumes the responsibility of completing the shipment itself. If the Courier delivers the package to us due to the customer's failure to collect it, CREAZIONI ITALIANE will contact the customer for a possible return and requesting reimbursement of any storage costs as well as for the shipping costs incurred (return to CREZIONI ITALIANE) and for those to bear (return to the customer). If the customer does not intend to pay the expenses incurred by CREAZIONI ITALIANE or does not contact us to agree, or following our email with a request for reimbursement for the expenses incurred, he does not respond within a reasonable period of 7 days (seven ), CREAZIONI ITALIANE will keep the goods not withdrawn due to default by the customer.

9. Errors

The information relating to the Products provided on the Site is constantly updated.

However, the complete absence of errors cannot be guaranteed.

CREAZIONI ITALIANE reserves the right to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions even after an order has been sent and also to change or update information at any time without prior notice.

10. Applicable law and competent court

These General Conditions are governed by Italian law and must be interpreted in accordance with Italian law.

For disputes arising from the interpretation, validity and / or execution of these General Conditions, the mandatory territorial jurisdiction will be that of the Salerno forum.

11. Contacts

For further information, please write to the following e-mail address:

Shipping Times and Costs


CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE offers shipping within 3 working days from receipt of payment for all orders placed.


Although more than 90% deliveries are made by couriers within 24 hours of shipment, CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE can only guarantee the Shipping Terms, while the Delivery Terms are subject to the policies of the Express Courier, to the geographical characteristics of the address. shipping and other normal or extraordinary conditions on which CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE has no possibility of decision.


CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE guarantees the shipment of the items purchased within 3 working days from the order in the case of payment by PayPal, Credit Card or Cash on Delivery or 3 working days from the verification of payment by bank transfer.

All shipments of CREAZIONI ITALIANE WORLDWIDE E.COMMERCE products are entrusted to the licensee companies of the Poste Italiane brand and will be carried out under these general terms and conditions.

1. Delivery methods

Deliveries are made on the ground floor, address number of the recipient, accessible to normal means of transport. Deliveries to rooms above the ground floor or in any case to points other than the usual ones, must be considered as ancillary and additional services to the normal transport contract and as such will be agreed and taxed according to agreements between the parties and in consideration of the extent of the performance. Unless otherwise agreed, the fees must be determined at the time of departure and charged to the recipient.

2. Fragile goods

The goods travel at the risk and peril of the recipient. The sending of the same by the writing company does not imply acceptance of responsibility in case of damage and / or breakage. It is recommended to check the integrity of the packaging before signing the delivery note to the Courier.

3. Stocks

For goods that cannot be delivered to the recipient for any reason not attributable to the carrier or sender, as well as for goods awaiting instructions from the recipient, custody will be provided, for a fee to be agreed in the tariff conditions (see General conditions of Sale); any instruction for the release of the stock will be effective only if in writing. Any redelivery of the goods will be burdened with all related costs as they are equivalent to a new shipment.

4. Delayed delivery of the goods

No mandatory deadline for delivery is binding on the company, which is not liable in any case for damages deriving from delayed delivery of the goods. The affixing of terms such as "urgent" or similar on the transport documents will not have any binding character for the company. In the event of exceptions agreed with the company in writing, the liability of the company can never exceed the provisions of the law. In particular, the company cannot be considered in default in the event of failure to comply with any terms agreed in writing, if acts or events outside the control of the company occur, including incomplete or incorrect communication of data relating to the delivery; the unavailability of the recipient or the refusal of the same to receive the delivery; causes of force majeure such as, by way of example but not limited to, acts of public authorities in the exercise of their mandate, riots, strikes or other trade union disputes, piracy, atmospheric events, etc ...


• Express door-to-door delivery service

• Normal delivery times (in addition to the shipping time of 3 working days):

• 24 hours in the peninsula

• 48 hours in Sicily, Calabria and Sardinia

• Multi-package shipments

• Constant Tracking & Tracking with complete information on the status of the shipment

• Proof of delivery available online

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